Affiliate networks for advertisers. Let's start from the beginning

We have posted a detailed article about CPA for novice publishers «Affiliate networks for beginners: what it is and how to make money through them». So now it is time to see how affiliate marketing works for advertisers. This article is dedicated to the ways how to choose affiliate network, how to work with it and to make it useful.
How does it work?
It is pretty simple from advertiser’s point of view:
You choose an affiliate network platform (in our case it is Admitad) and agree on all financial conditions and conclude services contract. You get introduced to your personal manager who will provide you with special brief on how to create technical assignment for publishers, this manager will answer all your questions and will assist you throughout partnership.
You compile the brief to show terms and conditions of your offer to publishers. A brief usually includes suggestions on promoting your goods/services. When you finish it your manager will add it to all programs and at this point all publishers will be able to see it. If they like your offer they will suggest promoting your product at their ad spaces.
Approved (automatically or manually) advertising spaces will receive the affiliate link which includes id of the advertising space and of the publisher, information about the offer (either it is website main page, catalogue of some certain product) as well as SubID which a publisher can add in order to monitor statistics. Having published the offer you should check the orders which were made through affiliate links – make verification. If the order was actually made through the publisher’s affiliate link and all conditions were fulfilled, you should approve it and the publisher will get his reward which will be displayed in his profile. If some conditions were not fulfilled you can decline the order and the publisher will not get his reward.
Why do you need an affiliate network?
Now let’s nake it clear how advertisers can get profit from an affiliate network. Most likely you already have several PR/marketing/sales managers or you use the services of some agency. So what’s the point in working also with an affiliate network?
You get access to 670 thousand of publishers who are marketing specialists, bloggers, SEO, contextual, targeting specialists. Basically it is like marketplace of internet specialists (sometimes it can be very qualified team) which are self-employed.
Publishers are very determined to earn and moreover their income depends only on themselves, thus they want to attract to your offer as many solvent purchasers as possible. Moreover sometimes publishers pay for promoting your product what shows how motivated they are.
So here come advantages. You do not need to plan income and expenditure as you include publishers’ reward in the margin received from sales. You do not need to care about expenses on attraction and advertising campaign – just relax, publishers will do it for you.
You do not need to deal with several separate agencies on SMM, bloggers, content and so on. You just publish your offer and such specialists propose their services on your conditions.
What type of companies can work with affiliate networks?
Despite the fact that affiliate networks provide many marketing tools, sometimes it can be just unreasonable to work wit h them. The CPA model of marketing will be efficient if:
You have just launched your business and you want to make it recognizable as well as increase brand awareness. However, it is more preferable that your brand would be more or less known and website traffic would reach certain level. Publishers will be able to provide wide coverage and to build contact with the brand, afterwards it will be much easier to keep your customers’ loyalty.
If you have long lasting and stable business but you want to stimulate its growth and to increase turnover. Or maybe it is time to expand to international markets.
If you have B2C business. Through affiliate networks you can cover a great deal of target audience, in case of B2B business it can be not so easy. Futhermore when it comes to B2B sales companies usually prefer to get consulted by some specialists and it often happens that the procedure of coordination and purchase lasts a year or more. At these cases it is almost useless to work with affiliate programs as the main reason to work with CPA networks is to speed up sales.
If your business is rather large and you can expand it fast. You cannot predict results of work with CPA, if one or several publishers succeed and attract dozens of orders, you should be ready to it. If several customers want to use some special offer of a publisher and buy same product, and this product is not in stock, you can lose both publishers who did not get their payment and customers who did not get their order.
If you have wide range of products and target audience. As it is pretty hard to find relevant ad spaces for specific niche products and it is even harder for a publisher to promote them. If a publisher sees that reward for each order is small and the target audience is very specific so there will not be many orders it is unlikely that one will join and promote the offer. And on the contrary when the range of products is wide, publishers can earn a lot even if commission rate is low. But, of course, there are exceptions and some publishers make good money on promoting goods of specific niche. We should consider each case separately and sometimes any campaign can get unexpected success or failure, so it is better to mention that this article is based on long-term experience, but every rule has exceptions.
These conditions are not obligatory but we advise to follow them. The above-mentioned points explain why affiliate networks set some requirements, otherwise partnership can be useless and disappointing.
Key points to pay attention to while choosing an affiliate network
Nowadays there are several global affiliate networks. If you want to have efficient cooperation, pay attention to the following points:
Reputation and transparency. When you visit a website of an affiliate network, you should see exact numbers: how many advertisers and publishers work with this network, which companies work with this networks and so on. If you want to be sure about the company, just find some brand which you know and contact them to ask about their impression of work with the network. It will be much of help for you.
Opportunities for traffic volume and successful cases. The more publishers work in the affiliate network, the more traffic they are able to generate, thus the more sales of your offer they can make. Ask them to tell you about the most successful cases — many publishers don’t mind sharing real figures, if they have nailed some offers.
Terms & Conditions. As a result of communication with the representative of an affiliate network you have to understand clearly who will pay whom and what for, how the results will be tracked, which activity is required from each of the actors of the advertising process. If you are told: “Relax, it will work by itself, just give us money” you’d better escape from this network.
Traffic and orders quality control. Affiliate network is an intermediary who is responsible for all the technical issues and has to control how honest both sides act. Yes, sometimes fraudulent publishers generate traffic of poor quality, and unfair advertisers refuse to pay for completed orders. It does not matter who pays for the orders and who generates traffic, affiliate network should not take the side neither of advertisers nor publishers, but stand on the side of justice. For example, there is The Traffic Quality Control Department in Admitad which doesn’t depend on advertisers’ or publishers’ managers.
Statistics and transparency. The internal statistics of the system should show all information on traffic: traffic sources, conversion rate, cost per click and many other indicators. Information in the offer review in the catalogue of affiliate programs is constantly updated and is an aggregated indicator that helps both publishers and advertisers. In addition, do not forget about statistics in the personal account of the advertiser: unfortunately, most of advertisers use only their internal analytics on transactions and sales, although statistics from the personal account reflects the effectiveness of publishers and helps to resolve disputes fairly.
Feedback from your partners. Ability for advertisers and publishers to communicate with each other is extremely important: the first can express their preferences on the traffic quality, the second can give their recommendations on the offer description. The ability to contact each other helps to build long-term business relations. It is also useful to point out that joint events and offline communication organized by the affiliate network is a good reason to meet in person and discuss urgent business tasks.
Educational and development opportunities. As any other service affiliate network has to explain to its clients how it works and what should be done to make it an effective and profitable sales channel. If the participants are just given a kit of tools but they were not explained how to use them so they have no idea what to do with, the efficiency factor of this system will be equal to zero. The main aim of an affiliate network is not to invent business models for their clients but to provide necessary functionality and explain in details what earning opportunities it provides.
How to fill in the brief
Brief is the basis of advertiser’s work in the affiliate marketing. Whether you get to the affiliate network directly or through an agency, you will have to complete the brief. The more detailed it will be the more easy it will be for you, publishers and managers to work together on you offer. And don’t forget the rule: “The implementation depends fully on which requirements you specify”.
Here are brief main points for launching a program in an affiliate network:
1. Pricing model
2. Rate
3. Cookie lifetime
4. Hold time
5. Geography
6. Traffic sources
7. Integration types
8. Sales figures
9. Contract type
10. Referral link location
Let’s take a closer look at each point:
1. Pricing model. We’ve already told that the core model of the affiliate marketing is Cost per Action — payment for some action which was performed by a customer who was attracted by some publisher with his personal affiliate link. There are three main types of target actions which are paid for by advertisers:
CPS (Cost per Sale) — an advertiser pays for a purchase made by a customer. It is the most popular pricing model in eCommerce (for almost all kinds of goods and services). The conditions are considered fulfilled if the customer has not only made the order, but also paid for it.
CPL (Cost per Lead) — an advertiser pays for attracted user who signed up in the service, completed a questionnaire or an application for some service. Usually the client doesn’t become a buyer immediately — it takes some time from the moment of signing in in the application to the first payment, so the publisher receives the reward not for sale, but for person-lead. This model is usually used in the following categories: online games, dating services, finance field. If you don’t want publishers to generate fake accounts here is an advice: you should set a condition of an “active user”. A fulfilled condition is considered to be a lead which performed some action after signin in, for instance, to make an internal purchase, to reach some level in the game etc. In order to avoid cheating, many advertisers do not specify the “activity” in the offer description, but anyway these actions should be easily performed.
CPI (Cost per Install) — an advertiser pays for mobile app or game installation. It is used for applications on iOS and Android platforms. It works the same way as the CPL: a publisher receives the reward only after the user performs the required action — makes the first purchase or shows his activity in any other way.
2. Rate. Comission rate depends on the target action type, category of goods & services, margin, allowed traffic source and can be formed in several different ways.
% share of order sum. You should evaluate the margin you will receive from the sale of the goods, how much you invest in advertising, and calculate what percentage of the average order sum you are ready to give to a publisher. For example: if the rate is 10%, then publisher will earn $10 if one attracts sales of goods for $100.
You can set a certain sum of the check, after hitting which the publisher will get extra rate. For example: your rate will be 5% if the checkout sum is below $100 and 7% if it is above. That’s gonna motivate publishers to make the average check of your shop higher.
Sales volume. You can see statistics of each publisher who is working with your offer and effectiveness of their ad spaces, and reward the most successful for active work and high-quality traffic. For example, if a publisher has generated sales offer for $5000, you can raise his rate from standard 5% to 7% or you can give some fixed money reward for each newly attracted customer. It will stimulate them to work with your offer even harder and it will attract other publishers to your offer. If you set the commission rate which depends on the volume of sales generated by publishers (bonus system), it will be also a good way of stimulating activity. It can be applied after the first launch of offer has been implemented and you have already collected and analysed statistics .
Fixed sum of payment. Sometimes it is used in CPS models, but more often in CPL and CPI. It happens because it is rather difficult to foresee future revenues from these clients.
You can set different rates for different product categories. Choose the rates in accordance with margin, average goods price, as well as the sales plan: assign higher rates for cheaper goods with high margins and those which you need to sell faster, and lower — for expensive goods with low margin, which are well sold.
Diversify rates by regions. If your company is present in several countries, you can set different rates for each of them. By doing so you will stimulate the “weak” markets and strengthen your position where it is already stable.
If you are planning to place offers in several affiliate networks, we do not recommend you to set different rates in each of them. It’s not a secret that publishers can work with different affiliate networks, and it is quite logical that they will take those offers where the rate is higher. This will give you a distorted idea of the affiliate network and quality of your offer. You will not be able to estimate why publishers decided not to work with it in one of the networks: because of low average figures, inappropriate tools, inefficient types of allowed traffic or simply because you pay more in one network than in another?
Take a look at offers of your direct competitors. If you set the rate much lower than they do, the publisher who is working with your product category will switch to your competitors. But you shouldn’t start rate competition: you can attract publishers by fast verification, bonus programs, show that you have higher average check, give them full and up-to-date description of your target audience, provide them with colorful promotional materials.
Suggest rewards for all product categories which are shown on your website. For example, if you sell clothes, shoes and accessories, and only clothes participate in the affiliate program, publishers will not be particularly pleased by selling three products and receiving a reward only for one. It is fair to set the reward for each category, even if they differ.
3. Cookie lifetime. Cookie is a piece of data which “sticks” to the user and follows him while he is surfing on the internet. Such data help to remember passwords or reminds about the last search queries. In our case they track which affiliate link a customer used to come to the advertiser’s website. And even if the user has left the website to think about the purchase, cookie will show that previous visit was made through the link of a certain publisher. The longer cookie lifetime is, the more time a user has “to think” till cokie file will be deleted. There is one essential moment: affiliate networks use “Last Cookie Wins” model when action attributes to the publisher whose cookie was attached last. For example: if a user alternately clicks on banner, teaser and coupon (which are traffic sources of different publishers) the reward will be received by coupon site owner as his link (and his cookie) was the last.
4. Hold time. It is the amount of time you need to see the order in your system, to check it, deliver and get paid for it. This period should be real. Average payment time is verification period when the advertiser makes a decision on the status of the order and its sum (for the stores where the buyer can purchase only part of the ordered goods and return the rest back to the store). Do not underestimate the real time, even if this offer will look more attractive for the publisher: if the verification does not pass within the specified period, he will be very dissatisfied, as he needs to analyze the running campaign and plan the costs of future traffic generation. The hold time can differ from one day for online services to a year for travel segment and other sophisticated expensive offers.
5. Geography. It is an important point for those who work worldwide: you can diversify the rates upon the regions and indicate the reward in different currencies. You should indicate the list of countries so that the publishers adjust targeting correctly. For example publishers can join a russian offer and attract customers only fr om Russia, but your company works also in CIS countries, as a result you lose customer.
6. Traffic sources. Each source has advantages and disadvantages, you should choose which traffic sources publishers can use in accordance with your business tasks. There are three statuses for traffic sources which you can indicate: «Allowed», «Forbidden» and «Needs approval» (you will approve manually publisher’s ad space and advertising campaign).
Content websites, reviews. Obligatory traffic source. It is impossible to calculate number of content types, moreover content can be generated both by publishers and by internet users (reviews on your products, text descriptions, test-drives, different video reviews and so on). Content of high quality is crucial for modern web-marketing and the more information about your product on the Internet, the easier it will be for customers to make decision on buying it.
Marketplaces/displays. Obligatory traffic source. Websites which gather products and services offers from all Internet. They provide an opportunity to compare many options and choose the best option.
Mobile traffic for mobile version of the website. Obligatory traffic source. Statistics show that more and more purchases are made via smartphones, thus it would be pretty silly to forbid publishers to attract mobile traffic. If you do not have mobile version of your website, we recommend to create it as soon as possible so that you do not lose your potential customers.
Contextual advertising. This type of advertising is usually used by those who are engaged in arbitrage – publishers who buy advertisements cheaper (for exanple for showing) and sell it more expensive (for performed actions). Usually these publishers work via Google Adwords, Begun or other similar services.
Brand bidding. If you use brand bidding by yourself then publishers’ brand bidding can overvalue the rates, that is why advertisers usually forbid this traffic source. If you are entering market or you cannot work through this channel, contextual ad can increase brand awareness and therefore organic search of your website. When your company becomes recognizable you can forbid this traffic source but the effect from publishers’ previous activity will remain. When you forbid the brand bidding you should provide stop “words”, in other words all variants how your brand can be written, including versions with mistakes.
Targeted advertising in social networks. Advertisement which social networks users see: banners, sponsored posts, teasers and others relevant to the networks. You can forbid mentioning your brand in them. Social networks provide great coverage of audience, so in order to make sure that publishers do not harm your reputation you can approve their creative campaigns before they post them.
Public groups/communities in social networks. If your company has official groups in social networks, you can forbid creating such groups or communities on behalf of your brand just to make sure that your reputation will not be harmed if a publisher decides to communicate with the audience on your behalf. But actually, content groups and communities are of much use: their owners usually have followers which can be potential customers. And you can always estimate the ad space.
Applications/games in social networks. There are several ways of placing advertisements: it can be a banner or even product placement in games.
Video advertisements (YouTube and others). It can be contextual ads (automatically attached to the video as clickable links, banners and pre-rolls) and content – when somebody make a video dedicated partly or fully to your product.
Bloggers/ vloggers. Opinion leaders who gather many fans in order to share opinion. It works really well in some categories. People tend to trust bloggers who advertise only certain sort of goods. For example a blogger who has YouTube channel on diet topic can advertise some healthy food delivery and one’s fans will trust this advertisement and buy it.
Sales, coupons and promo codes. You let publishers provide discounts and promo codes to potential customers attracting them to your website by this. Such kinds of bonuses motivate customers really well as hardly many people can resist a discount on a product they want. It is necessary to mention that you give discounts separately from publisher’s reward.
Cashback websites. It is also a good way to attract customers. A publisher attracts customers by giving them back some money if they make purchase. What’s good is that you do not give money back to customers, the publisher pays the customers promised cashback from his reward. For instance if the rate is 10% and cashback is 5%, the reward is divided between the publisher and the customer.
Email sendings. One more tool which is not expensive but can be really effective if the base is targeted correctly. You can set the rule that a publisher should coordinate the emails with you. Therefore you will be able to track frequency and quality of the emails so that your customers do not take these emails as spam. It is better to ask manager where the publisher got the base and if the subscribers agreed to receive the emails.
Teasers/banner advertising networks. One of the cheapest traffic sources. It has great coverage but it is not efficient for the majority of categories. Teasers can be targeted (with interesting information and good call to action) or they can be of low quality — when audience is promised some shocking information (something like “click here and you will see how to lose 5kg every day day). Customers can miss your banners because of “banner blindness”. That is why it is important to make the images extremely attractive for arousing the target audience. You can let publishers create banners by themselves as they may come up with something unexpected and successful, but you’d better approve it before launch of the campaign.
Doorway traffic. Doorway is a separate site through which a customer goes to the advertiser’s website using the affiliate link. Doorways can be well optimized in the narrow categories which have low number requests in search engines. Doorway can look as a catalogue display, and if it is well-done a customer may not realize that it is not real online shop, but a landing page.
PopUp / ClickUnder. Sudden appearing windows with advertisement. It makes audience pay attention but it is easily blocked by AdBlock and it often annoys viewers.
Toolbar. Toolbar is a kit of tools in the “head” of the browser. Toolbar is often used to replace cookies by cheaters, but if it is used for the sake of good, it can bring profit to advertiser. That is why we recommend to allow this traffic source but also to monitor once in a while publishers who use it.
Retargeting. It is like secondary targeting of potential customers, they are reminded that they have forgotten to finish their purchase in the online shop. Retargeting is performed in order to make customers come back to the website and finish purchase.
Incentive traffic. It is traffic that publishers attract by promising users some rewards for performing the required action but the action does not lead to purchase and advertiser do not get the profit. This traffic type works well in CPI as it makes mobile games and applications get higher in mobile applications shops. But it is almost never used in e-commerce.
7. Integration type. Integration with an affiliate networks is necessary so that networks can track conversions – actions performed by customers, and by doing so they can compile statistics. There are several ways of integration with Admitad.
Via postback. In this case the advertiser server sends statistics about the actions. Integrations is pretty simple thanks to solutions for store integration based on popular CMSs, but it needs an access to the server side of the website (back-end). This solution is considered more secure as the request contains a private authorization key.
Via XML. The advertiser creates XML-file of a certain structure where data about performed actions on the website are uploaded. The Admitad server with a certain regularity access this file and unload the data in the statistics. If the integration is installed correctly, publishers can receive promptly information on actions, but if the queue is bigger, delays are also possible.
Via API. It is the longest way but it has maximum customization. Integration is developed in accordance with advertiser technical documentation. It requires minimum of adjustments from the advertiser.
Via tracking code (pixel). It is the simplest and fastest way of integration, user’s server sends information about performed action. Code (pixel) is placed on the last page of conversion chain (Thank you page or order confirmation page). This type has some drawbacks, for example, conversion may not be tracked if the user closes the page before the page loads or if the user has installed AdBlock or another advertising block, or if the code was broken while the website was adjusted and advertiser forgot to check if it works correctly.
8. Sales figures. Affiliate networks should know an average bill and average number of monthly sales of the advertiser so that they can estimate the prospects of collaboration and possibilities to expand. Besides this information can attract publishers who will be able to evaluate potential income.
9. Contract type: general or exclusive. If the advertiser and the affiliate network conclude the exclusive contract, the advertiser cannot work with other networks. It provides more profitable finance conditions and additional bonuses which motivates to promote the offers of this advertiser.
10. Referral links. An advertiser can post information about the affiliate network Admitad on its website. It will give some benefits while joining Admitad and it can also bring profit if it attracts new publishers.
What else should be indicated in offer description?
Offer is a proposal which you make to a publisher. There are like 400 times more publishers than advertisers in the affiliate network, but it does not mean that there is demand for all offers, publishers choose offers carefully looking at product/service, brand and conditions. The funny thing is that before publishers start “selling” your offer you should “sell” your offer to them. You can provide as much information about your offer as you want, but the more information you give, the easier it is for a publisher to promote your product and to define your target audience. And one more thing to point out is that nobody knows your brand better than you. And it is better if you let publishers understand why people buy your products. So if a publisher launches an advertising campaign but it harmed your brand, it does not mean that a publisher did it intentionally, maybe he/she did not have the right information or it wasn’t enough so she/he had to create.
Products/services description. You should show what you got. If you want to promote products/services through an affiliate network, let the publishers know the figures that make you proud – growth indicators, coverage, awards and so on.
Detailed offer description: here you should indicate the required action which customers should perform so that a publisher can get a reward.
Target audience description. Publishers will be more willing to promote your goods/services if they know who and why buys your goods. You can start with basic information – gender, age, regions, but if you provide more details, it will help publishers to sell. Such information as average bill, motivation, how long it takes to make a decision on purchase, trends, top goods is very useful.
Show your advantage over your competitors: season sales, attractive figures (high conversion rate), fast verification, assortment updates, bonus systems, special delivery conditions.
Promo materials. Such materials can include banners of all sizes, dynamic changes (content will be changed automatically according to the audience interests), landing pages and widgets. You know what materials you need to make your company look perfect so give these materials to the publishers so that they do not need to create designs and you do not need to waste your time on approving them manually.
Key points for placing your offer
Please pay attention to the following points before placing the offer.
The strategy “Let’s launch a program with minimum information and add some more tools later” will not work. It is better to give lots of bonuses to the publishers while placing your first offer. Your purpose is to attract to your offer as many publishers as possible. Allow maximum number of traffic sources (but do not forget to indicate quality requirements), offer bonuses, motivation systems to the loyal publishers, increased rate for first month, use all possible tools – cash back, discounts, coupons. Publishers want to try your order at different advertising spaces. Later you will be able to forbid tools or traffic sources which you do not like. But if you make your order strict in the beginning, publishers will avoid it and it will be much more difficult to attract them later.
If you want to launch some special offer, inform about it in advance (at least 5 days before it) as you manager will need to update information on the website and send emails to publishers, and publishers will need time to create something new and to attract traffic to it.
You cannot change or update information about your offer in the section “All programs” by yourself — only your personal manager can do it. It was set
so that the network can warn the publishers and they will be able to adjust information in time. If your customers see one price or discount at some ad space and on your website it is different, it can annoy them.
You cannot just suddenly stop the campaign: traffic can come within several days or even weeks. You should get ready to both join and quit the affiliate network, and you should advise your manager in advance about the date of finishing your campaign. You should also think about customers who come through an affiliate network even after you stop the campaign.
Each advertiser is unique thus some special settings “how to make your brand get in top” do not exist. If you ask your manager to include “exactly the same as that shop has” in your offer, you can fail. Affiliate networks work with each customer individually: we can recommend some options and settings, but you can judge the effectiveness of the campaign only after several months.
Offer is posted. What’s next?
In order to fairly judge an affiliate network and publishers with their ad spaces you need at least three months.
First month will be spent on offer launch – that is the time when you provide all necessary information and your manager post it in the section “All programs”, and the network sends emails to all publishers to attract them to your offer. It is the time when publishers start joining the program and try different business models and advertisers start getting first money. Second month— that is when active sales begin. By the end of the third month the advertising campaign should get to the point when you can upload the statistics and estimate the efficiency of orders (which were verified). Having reviewed the statistics and results, you can decline non-effective tools and choose publishers with the best results and offer them exclusive tools (some special banners or promo codes) or bonus system.
Let’s summarize
An affiliate network can be a very effective tool of expansion and sales stimulation for advertisers. And even if you do not know the publishers personally, you know that you are working as a team and publishers know that their earnings is your income. But you should also remember that the popularity of your offer among the publishers depends on how much information you provide and how fast you give the feedback.
Here is one more little bonus: top real questions from Advertisers to Admitad. We believe that you already know the answer.
«Let’s launch the offer for one month». No, such period is too short, publishers can only get acquainted with your offer within a month. You should allocate at least 3 months for launch, development and analysing statistics of the offer.
«We want to launch the offer tomorrow». To start a campaign the affiliate network needs time as managers should obtain and post all necessary information, add the program to the section “All programs” and inform publishers about the program. It is better to allocate at least a month.
«We want traffic only from one source, let’s forbid all others». If you forbid almost all traffic sources, do not expect incredible results from publishers. It is better to test several ad spaces and traffic sources and then forbid or allow only upon the results.
«Let’s launch an offer “as a test”». If an offer is in the section “All programs”, it is a work offer for publishers. The offer cannot be posted as a test, you should be ready that publishers will attract real traffic as soon as they join your offer.
«We want B2B offer». It is unlikely that B2B companies would benefit from CPA as it is difficult to track sales and to perform verification. We would advise B2B companies to try other marketing channels.
«Let’s launch an offer of our shop “Wooden accessories dot com” or “everything for prana yoga dot com”». The niche of such companies is too specific for CPA model as the audience is too small to attract publishers.
«We need sales forecast to decide whether we start working with the affiliate network or not». It is hardly possible to get similar results from similar offers, so it is impossible and senseless to request a forecast for your offer. The sales depend on which information an advertiser provides to publishers, which traffic sources are allowed, which tools (banners, deal, coupons) are provided and how many publishers will decide to join the program. The forecast can be made according to the statistics of 3-month program.
«We do not add any codes to our website, we will not work with your network». Apart from pixel Admitad suggests several ways of integration.
«Let’s launch the offer without integration». How will we obtain statistics and track conversion without it?
«We want to pay only for new customers». Publishers cannot see your internal statistics so they cannot know if a customers is new or not. It is better to set different rates for new and old customers, but you cannot pay only for new ones.
«Affiliate program — that is something about banners? That’s not for us». Affiliate networks work not only with banners, but with almost all online marketing tools.
«We want to pay according to the scheme RevShare + Lifetime (% of company revenue from a customer during his/her activity lifetime)». The affiliate network Admitad works with CPA. The model Revenue Share suppose long pay-off period and possibility to stop traffic. We support that publishers generate traffic and expand advertiser turnover.
«We want to pay upon Last Paid Click model». The affiliate network Admitad pays the reward upon Last Cookie Win model, it is a worldwide practice that a reward is given to a publisher whose affiliate link was clicked and whose cookie was attached last.
«Let’s stop the offer when publishers attract traffic for N-sum?» The offer is not launched for some sum, it is impossible to tell a publisher: «Stop, do not attract traffic to this offer anymore». If you want to stop the offer, you should advise your manager five days before it so that the manager can inform publishers. But all orders attracted by publishers must be paid.
where I can watch a video in English about the tool Moneylink ?
Unfortunately, we do not have a video about this tool. But you can find all details about it through this link:
Thanks for the link, everything is very clearly written there
Hi Nice to emeet you! I’m a affiliate network, could you please tell me how to find a direct advertiser? thank you!
Hello! Could you please clarify what you mean by that?
I am an advertiser, can you help me publish my advertisement? My Email
Very guided article.
I tried worked with cpa, cpi thru networks but still now I need the source of traffic to promote it.