Promotion through Facebook page

Most brands have profiles on social media because it is where the target audience is. Even if target customers are celebrities or people of upper level — they also have personal accounts and can see ads. More than two billion people use Facebook every month what makes this social network a unique platform where anybody can reach potential customers.
In the previous article “Facebook for affiliate marketing” we have overviewed different types of promotion. We mentioned that some publishers choose to use only target advertising as it drives almost instant traffic so the income can appear pretty fast, but we believe that balance of having a Facebook page and using target ads can generate much more profit. So let’s examine in this article how to create and manage a Facebook page.
If you don’t have a page yet, you need to create it. It is a fast and simple process. You can do it either through this link or click on the arrow in the top right corner, then click “Manage pages” and then “create a page”.
There is no essential difference between a community and a page for business/brand. Here you can choose the right option in accordance with your objective: if you want to promote products/services/your website or if you want to develop your personal brand. We will create a page with gadgets at the cheapest prices and we will promote it as a brand, so we will choose the first option. Now we need to decorate our page a little.
Page Name. Here everything should be simple, don’t try to give your page a sophisticated name as it is far easier to memorize a simple one, though you may have more competitors in this case. Anyway, as we are going to share the best deals for gadgets, we will call our page “Gadget Sale”. As we will use this page only for products promotion, we will choose the category will be “Advertising/Marketing”.
Profile and cover photos. Facebook will offer to set profile and cover photos after you have clicked on the button “Create”. Don’t skip this step as apart from posting valuable content, it is necessary to make your page good looking and understandable. Providing that our page is about gadgets, we chose photos with different devices. Note that photos should be of high resolution and related to the subject of the page.
Template. Now let’s choose how the page will look like. There are various options, we will choose “Venue” as this template provides everything that we need (we can publish posts with links, photos, videos, we can go live and schedule events if we need them). Furthermore, you can manage the tabs which you want your followers to see. For example, we don’t need the tab “Jobs” so we just remove it. The same can be applied to any tab, plus you can rearrange the order if needed.
Now let’s follow the tips which Facebook provide:
Describe briefly what’s the purpose of your page and how users can benefit from following it.
It is not rational to add a phone number as long as you don’t have a corporate number yet. And it is unlikely that users will need to call you as the only thing they need to do is to click on the links and then they will proceed to the advertiser’s website or to yours where they will find the needed contacts.
If you have a website, add its address so that users will find it easier and purchase directly from it.
The rest you can skip as they are not necessary.
Tip: Facebook often sends mailouts with different tips and insights on how to improve your page, don’t ignore them as the network does it for the sake of good and to help you to develop your page properly.
Providing that the channel is named “Gadget sales” our new post will be about a gadget on sale. Let it be a nice smartwatch. The advertiser Gearbest usually provides many discounts for gadgets, thus we’ll join their program and generate the deeplink (with SubID) to the smartwatch we like. We will create the deeplink as it will assure that users will proceed to the page of the product, not to the website main page. Deeplink usually looks massive and a little scary for users as it contains many letters and symbols, so it is better to shorten it through service. Then we are ready to use this link for our posts. Here is how the whole process looks like:
Having created the link, we need to create posts where we will paste it. Let’s examine different types of posts.
Regular post. Alright, now we have the affiliate link so let’s get down to making the promotional post. In the first case, we will publish the post describing the essential characteristics of the product and emphasizing its advantages. To do this you need to open your page and to create it adding all necessary features to make it attractive. We can also add reactions, check-ins, polls to make the post more interesting. No worries, if you have made any mistake or you want to modify it a little, you can always do it late.
Product tag. Facebook has made our life a little easier by adding Product Tag, therefore now we can create a post with the affiliate link to the product which Facebook will offer to buy from the website. You can add the tag while creating the new post: you will have to create a new product and provide necessary information about it, then you need to fill in all the gaps and publish the post which will distinguish from the first one. We start creating the post the same as in the first case, then we need to choose the product tag.
Another way of capturing user’s attention is to create offers which will place an emphasis on the provided discount. There will be a separate tab with all the offers which you’ve aggregated from different advertisers. It is easy to create an offer: Facebook will offer it to you automatically while creating a product tag, you will indicate that the product is on sale. Additionally, you can create offers in the special tab which is located on the left of your page. It is necessary to mention that as we are going to provide many deals, we will move up the tab “offers” so that users can see it without clicking on “See more”. Keep in mind that the fewer actions users need to take, the more likely they will purchase the products using your links.
Page promotion
The first thing which we should mention here is that it’s better firstly to develop your page before promoting it as if users will come to an empty page, they won’t subscribe and thus the promotional budget will be wasted. It will take approximately a month to publish posts, invite subscribers (your friends, family) and modify your page to make it worth following.
The main purpose of promoting a page is to reach the potentially interested audience who will start following it, reading the posts, clicking on the links and purchasing promoted products. Consequently, it is necessary to select the target audience properly, and Facebook will help us to do so by providing the opportunity to indicate all necessary characteristics of people who we want to see our advertisement.
The process of setting page promotion:
Press the blue button “Promote” under the column of the tabs, the pop-up window will appear where you will need to choose the objective of the promotion. As we are going to promote our page, select “Promote your page”. Then you will be transferred to the page where you can choose the format of ad (video, photo or slideshow), adjust the text, choose and edit the target audience who will see your add (location, gender, age, etc.), set the budget and duration, and eventually you will come to the choice of the payment method. (We will explain all Facebook targeting features and how to set it in our next article).
Warning! Don’t forget to check the placements of your ad. It is essential that your ad should look nice at each placement.
Having published posts with links for a while, you want to know how many people have reached, liked or reacted somehow else after seeing your posts. There are two options where you can check statistics, first of all directly on Facebook page, secondly in the reports at your personal account in the affiliate network.
We have a newly created page, so we can’t show off a considerable number of clicks and engagements, but let’s see how it looks on Facebook. There are two tabs “Insights” and “Publishing Tools” in the header which will provide statistics on clicks, reach, engagement, types of traffic of each post. You will see there the reports on both organic and paid traffic.
Reports in Admitad personal account. To find this section, you need to login into your personal account and open the tab “Reports”. Choose the ad space (in our case it is the freshly created Facebook page). The reports on ad space reflect how many times users have clicked the links, if they have purchased anything, CTR, CR and so on.
Our next article is dedicated to the Facebook Ads Manager and the features of targeting. The article will be also applicable to the page promotions and posts boosting, so don’t miss it. If you have any question, you can always leave a comment on our blog.
I AGREE your business
Buen dia solo he podido promociinar banner pero no he podido saber como utilizaŕ el subid o pŕomocionar un producto especifico me gustaria me lo explicaran paso a paso muchas gracias
Hello Luis Alfonso Leon,
Please click on this link to find detailed instructions on how to use SubID:
you have written great article but its lack of shpuld include the following steps in this post.
for example
1 How to create shop on Facebook.
2 tabs management
3 how to promote your posts through Facebook. and many other steps.
Hi Adil!
Thank you for the feedback.
Will review the topic of creating a shop on Facebook and our next article will be about Facebook ads.
Very informative and helpful
I love this and am very sure I will get a positive result thanks
Thanks for the post. To be clear, you are trying to say with this method you can promote products on Facebook without having your own website/landing page by making a FB post and adding product description with your affiliate link? After clicking on the ‘Promote’ button to set up the campaign, won’t FB ask you for a destination and visible URL?
I think a video to complement this article would be needful. Thanks anyway!
Thank you for the question. Technically, you are right if we are talking about promoting posts with affiliate links — Facebook prohibits this. But in this article we described the promotion of the page what is allowed. In the upcoming article we will explain how to work with Facebook Ads and will also discuss Advertising Policy.
We will record a video – screencast, thank you for the feedback!