Big Sale 11.11 at AliExpress

If you are a publisher and tried affiliate marketing, then we are almost sure that you have promoted AliExpress products on the famous day of a huge sale (11.11). The company’s turnover of 1 (ONE) day can reach up to several billion and for a publisher, it is a must to seize this golden opportunity. Our friends from AliExpress have shared the agenda of celebrating the shopping festival (11.11) and we are presenting it to you.
The Big Sale at AliExpress lasts two weeks and divided into two parts (pay attention to the warm-up period):
- Warm-up. It starts at 10:00 AM on October 28th and ends at 10:59 AM on November 11th (GTM +3)
- The Big Sale day. It starts at 11:00 AM on November 11th and lasts till 10:59 AM on November 13th (YES, two days).
Let’s check what we can expect from these periods and what we can do. But firstly, here is AWESOME news for everyone:
The affiliate program AliExpress will work upon the model First Cookie Wins during the warm-up and sale period. All details are later in this article.
Warm-up (October 28th — November 11th)
Your main task during this period is to do your best to make users click on your affiliate link and add products to the cart. AliExpress will provide special coupons and landing pages to help you. Alright, so here are the first steps of our work:
- Main page 11.11. Everything is pretty clear and simple here: all deals, activities and game rules are all in one place.
- One сoupon center: there will be one landing page with all coupons and the hottest deals. AliExpress has shared a secret that from time to time some coupons for large amounts will appear.
- Game Land. A landing page with mini-games. For playing them and winning the users will get the coupons and bonuses which they will be able to redeem while buying goods during the Big Sale.
- «Coupon rain». The same as it was last year, several times a day there will literally be a coupon rain on the website of the advertiser. The users will need to catch and activate the coupons to redeem them during checking our purchases.
- Points for preliminarily adding products to the cart. The users will be able to exchange these points for the coupons — the more they buy, the less they pay.
- Buyer Top Choices. It will be a landing page with the most popular goods among the buyers depending on the regions (the most popular brands and goods which have been added to cart the most frequently). One more reason for a user to start adding products to the cart in advance — more chances not to see a notification “Ops, everything is sold out”.
- Hot Products. They can be found in the affiliate program description. The rates for these products are up to 69%.
All landing pages and coupons can be found on the AliExpress website, so the only thing you need to do is generating a deeplink to a required page and attracting users to it. Well done — now let’s wait for 11.11.
The Big Sale day (November 11th-12th)
During the days of the big sale, you only need to motivate the users to purchase goods. If the users have added the products to the cart, they only need to redeem all coupons and points which they have earnt, get the discount and check out the order.
Warning from AliExpress: the website will be overloaded, especially at the first minutes of sale (11.11), thus calm your users down in advance: if they can’t redeem a coupon or pay for an order, they should wait for some minutes and then reload the page. The goods will be still in the cart, the coupons will work, and the payment will be successful.
Orders attribution
Now let’s check the most interesting. The rules of AliExpress affiliate will be changed for the period of warm-up and Big Sale:
- The cookie lifetime is not limited by three days. If you attracted users to the AliExpress website on October 28th and they redeemed a coupon or added the products to the cart but paid for the purchase only on November 11th, the action will be attributed to you.
- First Cookie Wins. The rule applies to all publishers who fulfill the following conditions: attract the users who click on the affiliate links of the publishers and then 1)redeem a coupon, 2) add a product to the cart, 3) perform both these actions during their first website visit. If you were the first to attract a user to the website and motivated him/her to add the product or redeem a coupon — you will receive the reward (after the user pays for the order on 11.11).
Standard Last Cookie Wins attribution during these days will work only in two cases: if a user checked out a purchase during the warm-up period (from October 28th to November 11th) and decided not to wait for the Big Sale, or if a user checked out the order within the day of the Big Sale (November 11th-13th) but didn’t participate in the warm-up.
The links to the landing pages and to the additional information you will soon receive in the email newsletters from the affiliate network Admitad. Stay tuned!
Hey there,
Thank you for this opportunity I intend to attend and share
Best regards
David Cooper
India affiliates also applied for this season 11
Gracias por la oportunidad sí estoy interesada
شكرا لكم اتمنى ان احصل عبر الايميل على العروض المقدمة لكي انشرها لاعضاء مجموعتي تحياتي
Ansiosa por comenzar.
Thanks for the sales brief.
تحياتي لكم ارجوا ان ترسللوا العروض على الايميل وشكرا